Partnering with leading organisations in forestry and natural resources management (NRM), has provided GSI with a great opportunity to bring stakeholders together to develop, implement, and evaluate policies and practices that improve natural resource management. Our emphasis is on developing socially equitable economic incentives to help communities and enterprises flourish while ensuring sustainable natural resource use and the biodiversity conservation. Working with international consulting partners, GSI is uniquely positioned to make a difference by contributing ideas and insights that can help generate practical solutions to challenges of environment and natural resources that affect many African countries.
GSI works in providing integrated forest management and services related to the United Nations Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation in African Countries Program (REDD+) services. GSI’s interventions in NRM will aim to improve the management of vital renewable natural resources focusing on forestry, sustainable land management and climate change mitigation and adaptation. GSI work spans the realm of technical, governance, and cultural challenges facing REDD+ implementation, including social and environmental safeguards; sustainable carbon financing and payment for environmental services; multi-sectoral and low emission strategy development; and monitoring, reporting, and verification of carbon stocks.
GSI also concentrates on the sustainable management of environment and in the management of the natural resources of the environment, including biodiversity, wildlife and Eco-tourism. In the Tourism development, GSI provides consulting services for Services for the Development of the National Museums and Monuments Strategic Plan and Options Studies.
GSI’s expertise in tourism development is
mainly in three areas which include: Economic development, Culture heritage and
rural development. Under economic development, GSI is specialized in:
strengthening the competitiveness of Small and Medium Enterprises (SME’s) to
improve local production; development of competitive action plans for cities;
organisation of specific funds to encourage private investment, and the
development of cooperation strategies for private stakeholders. Under
Culture heritage, GSI has extensive experience in creating management plans,
feasibility studies and development strategies for cultural heritage sites;
implementation of programs to promote heritage sites, districts and
property; mapping of cultural property to enhance the project area and
provide social and economic benefits. Under Rural development, GSI believes the
inclusion of local rural communities in the tourism sector has many benefits,
including; poverty reduction, produce and product development, development of
natural and cultural areas and the creation of unique tourism packages, which
sets the destination apart